Interactions Among Multiscale Atmospheric Processes with a global variable-resolution modeling framework

1. Aqua-planet experiments

The non-hydrostatic Model for Prediction Across Scales (NH-MPAS) provides a global framework to achieve high resolution using regional mesh refinement. Previous studies using the hydrostatic version of MPAS (H-MPAS) with the physics parameterizations of Community Atmosphere Model version 4 (CAM4) found notable resolution dependent behaviors. This study revisits the resolution sensitivity using NH-MPAS with both CAM4 and CAM5 physics. A series of aqua-planet simulations at global quasi-uniform resolutions and global variable resolution with a regional mesh refinement over the tropics are analyzed, with a primary focus on the distinct characteristics of NH-MPAS in simulating precipitation, clouds, and large-scale circulation features compared to H-MPAS-CAM4. 

The resolution sensitivity of total precipitation and column integrated moisture in NH-MPAS is smaller than that in H-MPAS-CAM4. This contributes importantly to the reduced resolution sensitivity of large-scale circulation features such as the inter-tropical convergence zone and Hadley circulation in NH-MPAS compared to H-MPAS. In addition, NH-MPAS shows almost no resolution sensitivity in the simulated westerly jet, in contrast to the obvious poleward shift in H-MPAS with increasing resolution, which is partly explained by differences in the hyperdiffusion coefficients used in the two models that influence wave activity. With the reduced resolution sensitivity, simulations in the refined region of the NH-MPAS global variable resolution configuration exhibit zonally symmetric features that are more comparable to the quasi-uniform high-resolution simulations than those from H-MPAS that displays zonal asymmetry in simulations inside the refined region. Overall, NH-MPAS with CAM5 physics shows less resolution sensitivity compared to CAM4. The reduced resolution sensitivity of NH-MPAS demonstrated in this study should motivate future research to further investigate the model behaviors and explore its use in very high resolution and convection-permitting simulations using regional refinement. his contributes importantly to the reduced resolution sensitivity of large-scale circulation features such as the inter-tropical convergence zone and Hadley circulation in NH-MPAS compared to H-MPAS. In addition, NH-MPAS shows almost no resolution sensitivity in the simulated westerly jet, in contrast to the obvious poleward shift in H-MPAS with increasing resolution, which is partly explained by differences in the hyperdiffusion coefficients used in the two models that influence wave activity. With the reduced resolution sensitivity, simulations in the refined region of the NH-MPAS global variable resolution configuration exhibit zonally symmetric features that are more comparable to the quasi-uniform high-resolution simulations than those from H-MPAS that displays zonal asymmetry in simulations inside the refined region. Overall, NH-MPAS with CAM5 physics shows less resolution sensitivity compared to CAM4. The reduced resolution sensitivity of NH-MPAS demonstrated in this study should motivate future research to further investigate the model behaviors and explore its use in very high resolution and convection-permitting simulations using regional refinement. 

2. Forecast experiments

通讯地址: 安徽省合肥市黄山路中国科学技术大学
联系电话: 0551-63606637
Atmospheric Environmental Modeling Lab (AEMOL).