Interactions Among Multiscale Atmospheric Processes with a global variable-resolution modeling framework

The non-hydrostatic Model for Prediction Across Scales (NH-MPAS) provides a global framework to achieve high resolution using regional mesh refinement. Previous studies using the hydrostatic version of MPAS (H-MPAS) with the physics parameterizations of Community Atmosphere Model version 4 (CAM4) found notable resolution dependent behaviors. [...]

Air Quality Forecast and Control Efficiency

随着工业化、城市化进程的高速发展,我国大气污染形势日趋严峻,区域性大气污染事件发生频率之高,影响范围之大,污染程度之重,在世界范围内都是少见的。这严重威胁到人民群众的身体健康和生态安全,并对极端气象及气候事件产生了重大的影响。如何准确地预报区域大气污染,进而制定行之有效的减排及工业选址方案,已成为社会各界高度关注和亟待解决的重大环境问题。 [...]

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联系电话: 0551-63606637
Atmospheric Environmental Modeling Lab (AEMOL).